Monday, March 24, 2008

Who is God?

This is a simple, yet profound subject. It is simple in the sense that a child can understand, yet so profound that theologians can write entire books about the subject.

While typing, I just looked at my 12 year old daughter and asked her, "Who, or what, is God?"

The first thing that sprang to her mind (and to my 51 year old mind) was Creator. That is a good place to start. That is where the apostle Paul started when he was pushed in front of the podium before a pagan audience in Athens, Greece. The scene is described in the New Testament book of Acts, in Chapter 17. The Greeks had many gods, and as the Athenians demanded to know what Paul believed, the first thing out of Paul's mouth is that the God which Paul is proclaiming is the creator of all things. Pauls says:

God that made the world and all things therein

We learn many other things about God in the Bible. He is: loving, just, holy, all-powerful, all-knowing, present everywhere, eternal (without beginning or end). Some of these concepts are difficult for a finite human mind. The list could likely be made longer. It is sufficient to say that God is certainly demands attention.

When driving the truck, there are certain things you can ignore. There are certain things you cannot ignore. An unhappy automobile driver who flips you off because you are holding him up with your slow truck can be ignored. A state trooper with flashing lights who pulls in behind you cannot be ignored, since after all he has a gun and the full might and power of the state stand behind him. Truck drivers learn to fear state troopers. Once you have lost the equivalent of a week's paycheck to ticket happy state trooper, you learn to fear. God is bigger than any state trooper. State trooper, judges, governors, presidents and kings must answer to God. We do well to take Him very, very seriously.

One of the great problems in the church today is a low view of God and a high view of man. Many of today's teachers do not fear God sufficiently to respect His word. Isaiah, a prophet of the Old Testament, writes in chapter 65:

Hear the word of the LORD, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you,
that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the LORD be glorified: but he shall appear
to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.

God demands our respect. He is worthy of our respect.

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